Wednesday 30 May 2012



After doing the photos, it was time to prove your skills and expertise and maybe how, you could be outstanding.
 This time we had to do international video, the whole concept was trying to see how you could easy interact with someone you have never met and even not known, like starting a conversation on the street with someone. You were to create a 90 second video explaining why your competitor from another country should be the next Your Big Year global Ambassador. This was one of the tricky things, how could for example Dell computers try to market Apple computers and make the best sales, probably it’s something that can never happen.
I had a privilege to get my video done by Daranthtey Din, a wonderful creative young lady  from Cambodia who was also in the competition. She worked had to make it to the final 24, but more she was one of the most active people in the competition, probably I thought she was an automatic to the finals.
She did a nice job and posted a great video that explained why I was a potential candidate to win your big year global competition amazing she was, check the video out.

I also did for her a video. This was my first time to produce a video. I had no idea but just had to learn, at least I understood why you always have to be ready for any challenge that comes your way because it only prepares you for a great confident to face the next challenge whole heartedly. The video was great shot it at a very nice nice water fountain really cool, check it out,

 Most of the competitors had amazing videos too, that is not to say that my video was nice amazing but actually I got lots of likes when I posted it on facebook , this really encouraged me to move on.
Some competitors like flaco,  from Colombia and Melanie from Canada were very creative. There  videos were  among the best one. Actually I really liked it despite the fact mine was best too.
Finally we had to do a quick test random questions online, the questions were being posted after every one hour and you were to answer  as fast as possible, this was also exciting part although I really did not participate fully here since I could not access internet for 24 hours.  Some of the competitors did it actually Toby Jordan Finalist from New Zealand got all the questions right. I don’t want to declare what I got but believe me I got almost all right.

During this time of voting I had a chance to meet Michael Teoh, when he had visited Kenya as part of his travel and volunteer ism.

I organized for him to give talks in several rotary clubs here in Kenya but the main one was the summit at the UN headquarters by the World Youth Parliament where he gave a talk and even encouraged guys to vote for me.  Check out Michael on 

We had a great time with Michael I remembered when we visited the Mrs. Sarah Obama the grandmother to President Barrack Obama, we travelled for 8 hour to her home in Kogelo in Siaya. This was the first time I become a translator.
So back to YBY. 
On 11/11/11 was the day when the announcement for the top 111 was made this was done in New York City. Amazing fact about this day also was my first time ever to be on Television, I had my Interview on Kenya Television Network (KTN).  It was a group interview with Kenyan musicians and tusker project fame performers Prudence and Keiden
111 out of the 65,000 young and great people who registered globally.
This might sound already an achievement for some of you but maybe not to some who have done a lot in life.                                                                             Actually this was like the start of the competition.

"Over a long distance, you learn about the strength of your horse; over a long period of time, you get to know what's in a person's heart". Chinese proverb

Thursday 24 May 2012



Life is a step that we need to follow with passion, we need to hold it with care and work smart to reach our destiny and as long as we are positive we will always make it. Welcome to my ‘Your Big Year’ Journey, the world greatest expedition this is how it started.
Your Big Year was created my Chris Arnold the C.E.O of smaller Earth and Camp leaders  group of companies and next big thing the World merit* check smaller Earth website. , the competition was started last year where 45,000 young and passionate  individuals from different part of the world registered for the competition  and only 24 made it to the finals and two people were selected to become the Ambassadors These were  Carrielle Doe from New York but Liberian and Michael Su Teoh from Malaysia.

 I came to know about Your big year global competition in last September when I had a chance to attend 

One Young World summit in Zurich ,Switzerland I met by then Your Big year Ambassador Michael Teoh. 

I was invited for a dinner by one of One Young World Ambassadors from Ethiopia at safari restaurant .  Actually this was my first time to be in a flight, you could imagine the excited that I had when I got to EK77 Emirates plane anyway let’s get back to the track.

I got to sign up for your big year  in October, one month after the competition had started most people were much a head in terms of votes, I had to start mobilizing friends through social media like facebook, to  vote for me, I could not do via twitter because I was new in twitter and had only five followers having around 1000 friends on face book was a nice start. check 

The First step was to register your details as a competitor on, you were then required to load a picture of yourself and write one short paragraph about your big year. You could then precede to the next answer the first set of questions that were in a video form, you had to watch the videos because it’s only through the videos that you could get answers. I think it was also just exciting  to watch the video and learn new stuffs.

The second set of questions were word questions but a bit challenging, you had a link to follow for you to get the answers. But if you were kin and following YBY Ambassadors Michael and Carriele, their blog was rich and full of information. Actually it was also kind of a motivation factor that could make you see the kind of prize you were signing up for. what  this video

If you were "smart enough like i was" you could get all question right,  you were then given an ID number, which was outstanding and you were to use this to tell other people to vote for you, it  was then your turn to try and convince your friends  and enemies to  support you by doing the same.
This was the most challenging part actually to convince people to register for something they don’t know about? Some could register and fail to answer the questions or get wrong in all the questions; I had to spend time telling people how important I needed their votes for me, the most amazing part was that if you wasted time you could easy find yourself ten steps below, the competitors were great probably smart too.

As the voting counts we had to participate in other things ‘crazy’ photos; You had to take the coolest , hottest, lowest and highest photo’s , and share the photos on our group facebook called ‘I am working on winning your big year’ this was the most interesting part, you also got to know people from different countries and get to enjoy diversity and reach culture.

Other competitors got a chance to get hold of some celebrities in their countries and had a shot with them, this was very cool.

Your Big Year Competitor Caroline With Miss Kenya 2005

Bianca Your Big year Finalist with Director Junior Achievement Paraguay

"Life is a chance enjoy every moment of it"

Wednesday 4 April 2012


Life is about learning from others and what comes your way, we live in a world of technology and new discoveries, information is power and every second a thousands of information is being released into the world, new discovery  and much powerful ideas all around the world. I was not born from in a very well of family and hence I had to struggle to achieve a few things in my life.
I lost my parents when I was 10 years old this was when Tuberculosis was a major killer and very much close to HIV/AIDS, after all this I was left alone and had no one close to me,, life really changed and I was my own parents and hence every discussion I made was to be effective and would only reflect my second move. I had luck to go through primary school and finally had to move to a children home where I got assistance to go through high school, it was not a very smooth life to live in the home knowing that you really don’t have a home, relatives, great friends you could count on a bit of rejections from relatives an also experienced lonely life.
A part from being in a childrens home, I only stayed there for like four year, and fortunately I got a great friend who was like a mother to me her name is Darleen Johnson from California she helped me with my school and my college diploma life, she was just like an angel sent from above, without her maybe I would have decided to have my life in the streets, most of my best friends went back to street or just got into drug abuse and died. life was great and i really learned a lot, and much more accepted a lot of things in life
Most of the time in my life I have I have not live under guidance from someone senior but I have always make personal decision, that guarded me from doing wrong, anyway that is just a bit of my life but I hope one day I would write a bout it.
What always kept me going is meeting people who inspire others like Sir. Sujit Lawlani , I met Sujit in Switzerland and he was some one that really amazed me by the great work he had done in India, I really wanted to inspire others like him. Former Your Big year Ambassador Michael Teoh (,  from Malaysia, being just 24 years of age has travelled a round the world and given home and strength to others, I have met Michael in several occasions when giving talks but I am always amazed of his energy and the way he links occasions to the other and to the turning points give solutions to different problems. I have so many people in the mind but for now let me just give those to example.
Despite the fact that life has not being easy I have always stood firm and ready to make a change and also  support others so that they too could make a difference, When I was in college pursuing my diploma in actuarial science,  I started a rotaract club  which is under rotary club international. Though the club I was able to initiate some project that benefits homes, I also got involved in rally for the Physically and mental challenge, and also part of the organizing committee of End polio Now campaign which was very successful,
Since last year life took a turn, it was my first time to go outside the country for a global youth summit, meeting wonderful people from allover the world, I attended One Young world summit is Zurich Switzerland., I never knew that one day I would be part of a global family; I got a great opportunity see the other the world and even to learn.
Sitting her the voice of people Like Bob Geldof , Desmond Tutu and even the prince and princess of Norway , One young world was such a great platform to learn and to  share with others too,  from this I got to know about Your Big Year,  I simply started being involved in your big year, I worked had to be position 21 on the voting ranks, through all this I had a amazing experience like being on our Local TV, , I and even an article on the Newspaper about your big year and my global involvement,,   this was something I never expected, I worked hard to make it to top 111 on your big year and finally made it to the finals, a after that I did other inspiring TV interviews and this was a great door, ,,  It’s Batte's big year - Reviews & Profiles | Your big year finals was up and my profile is,  when in Liverpool for the finals I had a chance to meet great people who inspires the world like  Richard Branson The Virgin Founder ,  I also had a chance to be interviewed by BBC world,  the first international interview that I believe inspired many,  and finally this was the announcement video for Your Big year, during the GEC 2012,

Life has taught me to work hard and to dream big, I now running my organization called Change Mind Change Future; it’s a mentorship programme and also working on different programmes.  We also work to promote 36meals through our organization, an initiative that Sir. Sujit came up with,
I would wish to let everyone that read this article know that success will always come if you work towards it and you will never get a shamed,
I still have a dream of owning several companies and even charitable organization and help and support others make it in life,  also still need to go back to University and study my degree, masters   and PHD in Actuarial science and more to come,  I believe for greatness  sky is not even the limit.
Calvin Jodisi,
Change Mind Change Future Organization Kenya.

Friday 23 March 2012

Welcome to my life. Blog..


Welcome to my blog, where you will be getting lots of updates, as we start this journey together. I would like to build a platform for us to engage one another both locally and internationally,